Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thanks & Giveaway!

I have the best support system around me.   i am incredibly grateful to find strength and draw from those people who are my true friends & family - it's such an awesome feeling to know who really is there for you!

Not only am I blessed in my Personal life, but in my Business life too - I am lucky to have some amazing creative, supportive and understanding ladies that I work with as well!!      Several companies allowed me to "put my family first", this is one of those great companies - and it's also CANADIAN!!

I am so incredibly lucky to be involved from the ground up with this Company, I am on several different teams, and am allowed to shange hats lots in those roles - talk about being the perfect fit for me... eh?!!

You also have an opportunity to help, and in return, you are supporting me and you have the chance to get some goodies as well!!  We need your feedback, that's right - we are asking for your opnion!!

If you are on Facebook, please "like" this fantastic group - some amazing changes are coming & again, you are supporting me!   Let's enjoy this ride - no sitting back, hold on tight, it's about to get crazy fun!

Would love to hear from you - share some love!

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